People Movement Data

In 2022, VLC launched People Movement Data within the platform in response to a growing need for planners to understand how people are connecting with our cities and communities - for any given location and at any time across the week.

In 2022, VLC launched People Movement Data within the platform in response to a growing need for planners to understand how people are connecting with our cities and communities - for any given location and at any time across the week.

By better understanding human travel patterns, planners can design places that matter. Our People Movement Data helps to answer questions such as:

  • How effective is a location in performing as a place function? How long are people spending time in places?
  • Is an area of regional significance, or are trips predominately local?
  • Where do visitors to an area come from?
  • When is an area at its busiest? How do the activity levels change between weekdays and weekends?

The data comprises precise, anonymised GPS signals sourced and aggregated from thousands of smartphone apps. This data is cleansed and validated, providing a comprehensive and detailed picture of travel patterns.


Trips analysis allows us to understand where trips are coming from and going to, using effective visualisation. Selecting one or multiple areas provides interactive data such as hourly breakdown of trip starts/finishes and average trip lengths, filterable by day of the week and hours of the day.

Hourly breakdown chart provided in trips view
Configurable options for Trips view
Trips view displayed on the map


Heatmaps give an instant view of low and high activity, either across the entire week or down to specific hours of a day. Users can quickly identify patterns or areas of interest by the changes in colour. A dynamic hex visualisation ensures the data is responsive and granular even at low zoom levels.

Heatmap example
Heatmap example


Understanding how long people are staying in a particular area provides insights such as preferences, level of amenity, land use, and areas of local or regional significance. Users can view the busiest times throughout the day and how long people are staying.

A chart showing the median length of stays
A chart showing the busiest times
Length of stay view displayed on the map

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